Monday, July 12, 2010

The TRUTH shall set you FREE

  1. yazjjksjdfkdhfkshWhen I started this blog I wanted to share parts of my life experiences in order to help others. After a few weeks I realized that this blog  has been a blessing  for me. I enjoy sharing my life and I love the fact that everytime I press on Publish Post, I become accountable for what I wrote.

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog entery about the struggle that I had with expressing myself called Speak. As the days went by I found myself in different situations were I had to open up and speak. I actually read my post several times telling myself that I must apply this in my life  at all times.

That process made me realize that I had a great ability to keep and manage different emotions. I was suffucating over things that had happened a long time ago.  So I made a plan. I decided to write to those that I needed to speak too and then let them read it when I was not around. How many know that that was not the best idea ? Don't get me wrong writing is very good but in this case I was using it to hide. So I decided to actually take some one on one time with the people that I needed to talk to, allow them to read what I wrote  and then we shared . It was awsome. It is amazing to see what freedom awaits you when you open up your heart to others.

When you are in a real relationships, things will happen because no one is perfect. When we speak we allow ourselves to grow individually and corporately.

That was such a liberating experience. I realized I am able to express myself, that I have grown a whole lot in the last few months and that ...

  • What I have to SAY matters
  • What I FEELmatters
  • What I NEED matters
Remember this when you do not speak you allow the situation and lies to take over your thoughts and emotions. That usually has an effect on your behaviors and clouds your better jugement.

Is there a situation that plays in your mind like a preview to a movie on a daily basis?
Are there negative emotions that comes up when that happen?

If so ask God to show you when and how and SPEAK THE TRUTH! ( with love)

That's all she wrote for tonight bloggers...